Friday, December 9, 2011

Projector Lamp Experts USA -- Don't be addled by Compatible Lamp Resellers

This video was created to help buyers of projector lamps and projector bulbs make informed buying decisions. If you intend to purchase an OEM Genuine lamp make sure you watch this video to protect yourself. Unfortunately some lamp resellers don't make it obvious what they are selling. To learn more about genuine lamps and projector bulbs please visit our dedicated resource area at: To download our free checklist visit: To purchase OEM Genuine Projector Lamps in the United States please visit us at

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

100 in LED Projector 20000 Hours 1600 Lumen Long Lasting Lamp

100in LED Projector, 20000 Hours Super Long Lasting Lamp # Excellent portable projector for educational, business or home theater use. # Built- in speakers # LED lamp lasts 20000 hours (works out to 4 hours a day for next 14 years) # 4 time the brightness of current handheld pico projectors. # Short cool down period; shuts down in less than 7 seconds # Size: 7" x 6" x 3". About the same size as an outstretched hand. # Weighs less than 3 lbs; fits nicely in laptop case # Includes remote control, power adapter and user guide # Inputs: HDMI, YPbPr, S-Video, TV ,Composite A/V, Headphone, VGA (PC), DC Power (12V) Under TV system, there are such as options as auto TV search or broadcast programs. Portable type, small size & light weight for various applications. Multiple safety designs and easy bulb replacement for safe & convenient use. "Green product", no radiation & pollution, low noise & power consumption.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween Foot "Trip" Sensor to Trigger Or Activate Lights, Sounds, Scary Effects

!±8± Halloween Foot "Trip" Sensor to Trigger Or Activate Lights, Sounds, Scary Effects

Skill level: Super Easy.
Time needed: 5 minutes.
Expense: .00 - .00

The major bummer with most store-bought Halloween stuff that gets triggered is it's lame. A few tiny eyes may light up, or perhaps it will create a tiny shriek. I've yet to come across anything substantial (Loud, flashy, large, etc.)

"Startle People with a Photo Sensor to Trigger Effects"

You can assemble a little photo-sensor that triggers when people cross it and break the light beam. You may have seen something like this in small stores-when you enter, the attendant gets alerted to your presence.

Photocell switch
2 Extension cords
Bright L.E.D. Flashlight
1 cardboard tube from paper towel (cut in two halves) or 2 toilet paper cardboard tubes.

1) Take the photocell switch and plug it into your extension cord. Take the other extension cord and plug it into the outlet on the photocell. Whatever devices you will be triggering will be plugged into this cord later. If you don't know what to plug in, see our "scare tactics" article.

2) Tape one of the cardboard tubes to the "eye" photo sensor on the sensor unit so that the cylinder projects out from (and shields) the light senor. This is merely to keep any ambient light (from other decorations or lamps) from interfering with our trigger. This is our "receiver."

3) Tape the bright L.E.D. flashlight to the end of the OTHER cardboard tube. This will be the light beam projector.

4) Find a place along your walkway to set-up the beam. The light (beam) emitting side must directly face the receiver. Remember to place the receiver (which requires power) on the side of the walkway that has outlets and/or leads to your effects. The light emitter side is totally portable. You may want to try to hide each of there in bushes, between rocks, or simply put decorations or things over the devices (being careful not to cover the holes of the tubes.) CAUTION: Do not place the receiver anywhere near water or where it can get wet (sprinklers, ponds, etc.)

That's all there is to it. The L.E.D. flashlight should last beyond any single nights of Halloween scares. We recommend plugging strobe lights, sirens, or other "gags" into the sensor. Check out the "scare tactics" for project ideas.

Halloween Decorations are certainly the foundation of a Happy Halloween, but adding some great effects or illusions and some "scare tactics" are the frosting on the cake. Yes, you may trigger them yourself, but it's much more fun to automate some stuff. This way you are free to hand out candy, laugh with the "victims," or simply just enjoy and take-in the whole exciting experience. For our trick-or-treaters we set up at least three triggered "effects." We were fortunate enough to have a forked drive-way; so we gave parents with "kiddies" an option to take the less-scary route. You may choose to warn anyone with little kids that there are some scary things ahead. It's fun to scare the older kids, teens, and adults, but not so nice to terrorize toddlers.

Halloween Foot "Trip" Sensor to Trigger Or Activate Lights, Sounds, Scary Effects

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Infocus IN1 Home Theater Projector TV at 83"

This is my new Infocus IN1 DLP projector. I have it hooked up to my VCR for watching TV. It was refurbished and only cost 9 with free shipping! I got it from EBAY. I cant believe how nice it looks for how cheap it costed. I heard the replacement lamps for it are only so thats really good too.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Myths of Marriage

!±8± Myths of Marriage

Myths of Marriage: Can Love Last?

"Love and marriage, love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage"

'Fairy tales can come true, they can happen to you, if you're among the very young at heart" sung by Frank Sinatra

In the 40's, Frank Sinatra crooned to millions of swooning teenagers and set their hearts aflame. His songs sparked romantic visions of moonlit strolls and barefoot romps along the beach. Oh my! Those were the days. Or were they? Romance was in the air, and then it turned into...smog?

My mother, no different than the other girls of her generation, was swayed by the idea of romantic love. The Brooklyn bedroom I grew up in was lined with pink lace and white French provincial furniture. On the wall, papered in red roses hung a beautifully embroidered picture where two well-suited men bowed toward two women dressed in puffy coraline dresses. A poem was embroidered above the couples that read: "Adorn your heart, adorn your mind with love of the purest kind. Sweet is the morning of youth inspired with love and truth." I read those innocent words over and over wondering what they meant.

Being born in 1950 and growing up a teenager in the sixties, I was split between free-love and romantic love. But engrained in my mind was the belief that if I wasn't married by the time I was twenty-one, I was an old maid. By twenty I was married. Thirty-nine years later I am still married to the same man. How did we make it work? How did we thrive through the passages of time and continue to grow as individuals without killing one another? I'm not with the same man all these years because of the idealistic views of a dreamy rhyme. My husband and I are still going because of years of hard inner work, therapy, spiritual retreats, commitment, and brutally honest communication. Our marriage is always a work in progress. More to come on this process of marital longevity, but first let's look at some history in regards to the myth of the "perfect marriage."

In previous eras, family and society dictated the moral, socio-economic and religious obligations of marriage. The marital bond was to ensure royal bloodline, property inheritance and children to toil the soil. Throughout history, families arranged marriages, and it continues even today. For most of mankind's "civilized" world a woman was considered a possession. She lived where her husband lived and performed the duties that managed a proper household. Love was a luxury, not a necessity for our ancestors.

Capitalism evolved society. Once women earned their own living they were free to marry or choose not to. No longer dependent on traditional family structure for moral, social and financial survival, women obtained unlimited lifestyle options.

Today, millions of people get married and millions more end up divorced. For couples working on marital issues, romantic love is their first attraction. However, it is only a matter of time when intimacy is tainted by the blame game of anger, fear and accusations, "if you really loved me, you would...!"

Somewhere between arranged marriages, romantic love and the feminist movement, the collective unconscious got trapped. We became lost in a dying vision of love. Today, a new mythology needs to emerge that allows relationships to evolve through consciousness, commitment and compassion. We need to give up the notion that there is somebody out there that will save us: fill up the hollow void that makes our heart ache to be "in love." Relationship can then be an awakening; a spiritual exploration into our divinity.

Jack Crabtree and Christine Barber, authors of The Biblical Foundations of Marriage, The Romantic Myth, ask the age-old question; "What is love," exactly? Quoted by the McKenzie Study Center radio show, they state, "Part of the mythology that is deeply ingrained into our culture is that there will be this person out there that makes us feel tender, noble, giving and serving." We think, 'If I can just marry that person, then being kind and selfless will be the most natural thing in the world and that will last forever.' The problem is that if we go into a marriage thinking we need to sustain that high feeling, then we set ourselves up for complete defeat and disappointment. Marriage doesn't come naturally the way loves comes when we are infatuated. The feeling we call "love" is a kind of "G-d given organic drug;" it builds right into our feelings a vision for what a commitment to another person should be all about. What must take its place for marriage to survive is a moral commitment. We learn joy by keeping our promises.

The idea of eternal romance has led most couples to dead ends and has kept us paralyzed in childish illusions of safety. The media encourages us to remain ignorant and asleep, drugged by the mythology of romance and hot sex being the ingredients of a "good marriage", without which it just isn't worth the trip down the altar.

According to Dr. John Welwood, psychologist, relationship expert and author of Journey of the Heart states, "We can struggle to hold to wishful fantasies and old outdated formulas, even though they neither match reality nor provide any useful directions, or we can learn to use the difficulties in our relationship as opportunities to become conscious and awake. Relationships force us to look at all the core issues of human existence: family history, our personality dynamics, questions about who we are, how to communicate our feelings, how to let love flow through us, how to be committed and how to surrender."

Early on in life we experience how the delusion of perfectionism splinters our minds and souls. As children we bear witness to our parent's arguments, silences, divorces and abandonment. However, most of us are denied the tools to express the purity of our youthful and painful experiences. Naomi and Doug Moseley, authors of The Shadow Side of Intimate Relationships, agree: "People who are only willing to look at or to be aware of one portion of themselves are essentially living in a delusion. Whether by deliberate conscious intent or unconscious denial and repression, their dark aspects and feelings get covered over or disguised in favor of masks they regard as more acceptable. Behind their masks, they don't have full awareness of who they are or what they feel. This control leaves them numb and without passion."

If we are fixated in emotionally young behaviors and beliefs, we are deprived of the kind of mature love that comes from commitment and wisdom that cultivates endurance and understanding.

Dr. James Hollis, Jungian therapist and author of Midlife Passage, From Misery to Meaning, writes, "Marriage is the prime bearer of the needs of the inner child. Having affairs is a prime renewed projection of finding the perfect father/mother to love us when the marital partner has proved mere mortal."

In movies such as Camelot and Dr. Zhivago, the affair becomes an idolized entitlement for true love. We believe that out there is another who will heal and restore us; and it is usually not the one we are married to. Hollis continues to say that, "affairs will persist because the vastness of the unknown persists." We are always searching for love because love is the great unknown, the quest for the Holy Grail within ourselves. Hollis asks several basic questions: "What myth are we living? Are we living out our parents' unlived lives, compensating for their fears? Are we tied to the values of the herd, which may offend the soul but keep one compliant? Are we subject to complexes which will direct the rest of our lives on automatic pilot for so long as that they remain unconscious and unchallenged?"

Intimate relationships make us feel the rawness of these primal human questions; makes us face the wounds from our past. We know so little about how to be alive in our bodies, how to live on this planet, and what it truly means to be authentically male and female. Marriage, as a conscious relationship, can be the container for the commitment to explore these questions; a way to express all of our feelings as an intrinsic need to be loved. Couples can use the heat of conflict and resentment to self-actualize. Each person can learn to trust that they will not be abandoned when their dark side emerges. The acceptance of the shadow-self creates the sacred space for couples to be fully seen and heard. Only then can true passion and love grow.

Welwood re-tells the story of the Greek myth of Eros and Psyche in the introduction of Journey of the Heart. Dr. Welwood states that the myth suggests, "What the journey of conscious relationship may entail." The legend begins as, "Eros becomes Psyche's lover on the condition that she must never attempt to see his face. He visits her by night and for a while things go smoothly between them. But never having seen her lover, Psyche begins to wonder who he really is. When she lights a lamp to see his face, he flies away, and she must undergo a series of trials to find him again. When she finally overcomes the trials she is united with him again; only this time in a much fuller way." This myth points out to the age-old separation between consciousness (Psyche) and love (Eros). Traditional western marriage has been like the love in the dark. Like Psyche, we are presently undergoing the trials that every advance in consciousness entails.

Fairytales can come true if one is willing to forge through the intricacies of intimacy and grow up. By allowing love to be ordinary instead of all glitter and gold, unconditional love can blossom and a marriage "made in heaven" can emerge through years of conscious commitment and soulful exploration:

What is a soulful exploration?

- When two people meet, it is important for them to understand each person's family of origin patterns. For example: I came from a family where shouting and screaming was common. My husband's family rarely spoke of feelings or anything dramatic. Chaos at the dinner table was usual in my family: phones ringing, arguments etc. For my husband, quiet, polite and "don't speak unless spoken to" was his family's style. My husband had to find ways to open up more deeply, I had to practice listening and allowing him the space to find the words. Learning to feel and express emotions takes a lot of patience and honesty. You might not always agree, but you can find a middle ground, or simply let differences to exist within the relationship. Marriage does not mean you are bonded at the hip, it means that you are making a choice to be with this person, committed to the other. Commitment does not mean you settle. It means you stay in communication until you reach a better understanding of what is needed individually and as couple to keep it going.

- Learning to receive the other just as they are without trying to fix or manipulate them. Give it a try. See what happens. Most want the other to be the image of their dreams. But when they pick their teeth or fall asleep during a movie we want to slam dunk them. This might seem small, but it can lead to huge problems if we blame the other for being uncaring, distant and boring. Receiving another is a simple behavior. You take in the other and feel your feelings. You might get angry at your husband or wife for falling asleep, but you don't have to call them a jack-ass. You can simple say "I am angry and need for you to be here with me while we watch the movie." The other person needs to be honest and say, "I am afraid that if I tell you I don't want to go to a movie and that what I really want to do is sleep, you will reject me." When we are vulnerable and don't hide our true selves, we feel closer to the other and don't take the other's needs and feelings personally.

- Feelings are the most difficult aspects of a relationship. Our feelings are usually hidden under behavior that is controlling, protective and mistrustful. Through the years, couples hurt one another through misunderstandings and are ignorant of the other person's needs and desires. That is because most people don't truly know at first what they need and want. As time progresses everyone changes. What we need in our twenties is not what we need in our thirties, forties, fifties and so on. We have to constantly stay alert and in touch with who we are and what is changing in ourselves. If we don't, we can't communicate to the other the truth and then relationship will fall to the dogs. This means a commitment to engage in self-inquiry and communication, is a continuous renewed commitment for couples to give each other through time, attention and touch. Things don't happen magically, unless you express, make plans, and dream and share a vision that holds you together.


The truth is, after thirty-nine years of marriage, I know myself and my husband better than I did when I was twenty. What kept us together? Faith and a strong determination, even when we both wanted to walk away and say goodbye forever, we'd find that attraction, that innocence, that vow that drew us together in the first place. Something inside of us said, "We will work this through. We are committed." Because of that commitment our marriage still lives on. And yes, Frank did know something that was true...when you are young at heart you can laugh and see the twinkle in the others eye and embrace their spirit and heart. Then you are allies in life, not enemies. Love, is then an adventure, a journey of mystery and self-discovery.

Myths of Marriage

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lamp With Stand Assembly (40 per case)

!±8± Lamp With Stand Assembly (40 per case)

Brand : | Rate : | Price : $17.21
Post Date : Oct 02, 2011 09:40:07 | Usually ships in 4-5 business days

All in one set includes: 150ml glass alcohol lamp with sturdy wooden base to prevent being knocked over and wire gauze stand for supporting your specimen for heating.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Projector Lamp for XD1000U XD2000U

!±8± Projector Lamp for XD1000U XD2000U

Brand : Mitsubishi | Rate : | Price : $389.29
Post Date : Sep 13, 2011 03:07:22 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Brand: Mitsubishi
  • - Part No.: VLT-XD2000LP
  • - UPC: 4902901541124
  • - Warranty: 30 Days
  • - Fits Projector Models: XD1000U - XD2000U - WD2000U

More Specification..!!

Projector Lamp for XD1000U XD2000U

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Optoma HD66 Review - The Best HD projector available?

!±8± Optoma HD66 Review - The Best HD projector available?

The Optoma HD66 has a variety of useful functions, such as support for multiple resolutions, 3D graphics and a powerful lamp and BrilliantColor technology, sports, without a heavy price tag. Following my review of the Optoma HD66.

The HD66 is capable of displaying 3D images with resolutions up to 720p (1280 x 720p) content and 2D up to 1280 x 800 without compression, but get above 1280 x 800 resolutions, including 1280p ("Full HD") with minimal compression. This candoes not sound as attractive as the wealth of full 1280p plasma or LCD / LED TV available, but for the purposes of 3D content, 720p is more than enough to do the job. All in all, the project has a lot of resolution Optoma HD66 pump power for general use HD.

The Optoma HD66 also offers a 1.1x zoom lens, manually adjustable optical lenses, but it lacks an automatic lens shift, a defect often found in cheaper projectors. This means that the Optoma HD66is better suited on a table instead of a ceiling mount, so that easy access to the lens is available to adjust the image size and direction of the lens. The HD66 is capable of video up to 300 m at most, but also for general purposes shall not exceed 120 m

The HD66 is equipped with a lamp with an output of up to 2500 lumens, which means that this projector is capable of providing extremely bright images. This video makes clear, rich and colorful as possible in very brightEnvironments. But at lower levels of illumination can prove this, to embarrass the amount of pressure on the eyes. Various preset modes are available from the factory, but most of the Optoma HD66-default settings have been tuned for greater color brightness, so the calibration of the instrument is personally recommended to obtain a better image in low light areas.

This projector also has a contrast ratio of 4000:1, which is much lower than some of the more expensiveProjectors. The HD66 default settings allow more detail in the highlights and dark areas of the video, but only in a well-lit area. To achieve deeper blacks and clearer shade of white light in the lower settings, calibration, personnel must be performed. By changing these settings can be the user is able to improve the image quality and color accuracy by adjusting these values ​​for the ambient lighting. These individual settings can be either directly onthe unit or remote control, which is packaged with the Optoma HD66, the remote is very simple but also very small, packed what the buttons are always very tight and crowded toward the lower end of the remote control.

The HD66-3D feature is one of the best features of the projector. However, once the 3D mode is based on the rating to 660 lumens light bulb lights up or down, regardless of how it was before the 2D image brightness changes. Even if the 3D glassesthe brightness of the expert user is cut by another 60%, and the brightness to 300 lumens of 3D images. However, this is not a major problem, provided that the 3D content is experienced in small amount of light.

As a result, these powerful home cinema projector delivers more bang for their dollar, even if it is not without its flaws: the factory settings accommodating the lack of a remote shop offers small and cluttered andthe drastic drop in the brightness of the 3D images. But for those looking for a general purpose high-definition projector, which is also capable of displaying 3D is the Optoma HD66 is a good choice.

Optoma HD66 Review - The Best HD projector available?

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to install a new lamp in your DLP TV

!±8± How to install a new lamp in your DLP TV

If your TV requires Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, you may need a new bulb every so often. However, the process is quite simple, taking into account the different models of TV and your level of personal electronics with ease.

First, you need a screwdriver. Depending on the model you have, this could be a flat screwdriver or Philips. You will also need a soft cloth, preferably a microfiber cloth, and again, depending on the modelTelevision, an Allen wrench.

The first thing you need to do is make sure the TV is pretty cool. It usually lasts half an hour nothing. For security reasons, you should consult your TV before you proceed past this point.

Next, you need to find the lamp on the roof of your TV. This is usually on the back or side, depending on the model you have. Use the screwdriver to find the door, and this is the place you need to enter exhibitThe new lamp

Well, if you replace the lamp, use a microfiber cloth (and the hex key, if the bulb is fixed on the inside) to return the bulb slowly from the TV. Be sure to be nice and not cause damage to internal machines.

Use the cloth to clean any dust or near the set, make sure that no dust in the TV as this can cause problems later.

Slide the new lamp to replace the old with the light bulbinward and the side handle at the bottom. If your TV has a screw to secure it in place, use your allen wrench to secure the bulb, which in turn cause damage to any of the internal mechanisms.

The installation is now complete for the most part. It is advisable to dust off the lamp and exposed machinery installed at this point, after which you must replace the lamp cover and use the screwdriver to fix the problem.

This is a relatively simple procedure, but it is recommendedTheir time to bring. Do not try the old lamp from the lamp or the new force in. This is the internal mechanism may be damaged or maybe you are inserting the new lamp wrong. Make sure these instructions step by step as to follow, and is at ease to find and install replacement DLP lamp in the TV series!

How to install a new lamp in your DLP TV

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Video Projectors

!±8± Video Projectors

Some of the essential components of a projector are the feed spool, xenon arc lamp, projection lens, optical sound head, rewind, aperture, normal lens and a rotating shutter. But come with the advancement of science, new technologies come into play. The projectors are much more advanced in terms of sharpness and image quality of the pixels. In addition, the projectors in families every day have to find when new versions of domestic projectorscame on the market. The abundance of LCD projectors, DLP projectors and video projectors has allowed the common man to enjoy the experience of a large auditorium in her living room.

Projectors have become very common throughout the world. One can imagine the excitement and joy in a big movie blockbuster at home. They are also in schools and universities, where it is needed for video and film used on a regular basis to show a large number of people.

It 's alwaysrecommended that users of digital projectors or projection TVs to pay attention to the scaler. You can use a number of processors, or by entering a scaler to optimize video sources to match the best resolution of the projector, flat screen TV or LCD / DLP-based rear projection TV. Projectors have a sort of ability to scale. The use or construction of an external processor or a scaler can elevate the level of performance to a level much higher for both videoDisplay and source components.

Video Projectors

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Replacing a bulb on an LCD projector

!±8± Replacing a bulb on an LCD projector

With a projector lamp in the middle of the presentation or display, the screen suddenly be frustrating for you the warning. But there is no need to panic until you have the extra light available. For you, you can easily change the bulb, and then put on the show again quickly, with brighter images. Here is some information that can be read easily by removing the worn-out bulb.

For the first step you need to activateProjector and then leave your old bulb to cool for at least 10 or 20 minutes. Then there are the bulb and the door of the compartment to find. They are usually on the back of the projector. Check the manual to confirm the position of the lamp.

For the second phase, with a screwdriver, remove the security screws for the light bulb. Then remove the cover and clean, soft cloth to handle the bulb and clean the old light bulbCompartment.

You should also unplug the lamp from the tray. Most projectors usually with a quick install and uninstall the bulb to bulb.

Then, install the new lamp with clean cloth. You must make sure not to touch the bulb's nest with your hands. Remember to always treat the cloth around the bulb.

For the final step is to check the plug terminals and specialist bulb,to ensure that all connections are secure. Then install the battery cover and tighten the screws. You should be sure not to overtighten. Turn off the projector, control and make the new lamp.

Replacing a bulb on an LCD projector

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lamps for digital projectors - Tips to maximize the life of the lamp digital projector

!±8± Lamps for digital projectors - Tips to maximize the life of the lamp digital projector

Digital projectors are a great addition to any home or office and the benefits that one need not be explained. But the joy of the big screen with the image until you are connected to surround sound in the living room too often overwhelmed by the whole world, often in this way for several months to make a new one.

Projector lamps have a strong light source can be used to transport the image from the projector and screen. While very strong for theirthe destination, the omission of the light, the same can not be on the shelf, said a point of contention, with many digital projector, an owner of discontent.

Although digital projectors are designed for lamps with a rated life in hours, is usually a lamp Peter after 2,000 to 3,000 hours and many behind the specified duration. There are several reasons for this. Like all products manufactured there will be errors. While most projector bulbs guaranteed30 days to 6 months, the research shows that many projector bulbs blow after the warranty expired, but before the lamp life specified. I have a Hitachi LCD projector and have experienced first hand this problem is not just my only blow lamp after 1000 hours of use, but also exploded inside the projector. After I learned the hard way here are some tips to avoid similar problems, while maximizing the protection of life and so on, dear projectorLamp.

Always check and clean the air filter before use, especially if you've saved. An accumulation of dust in the air filter can lead to overheating problems cooling the lamp, lamp explosion, and in some cases fire.

Do not move the projector during operation. If the lamp is hot is more vulnerable. A slight jolt could easily carry off the lamp.

Always allow the lamp to complete the entire cooling cycle before making your digital projector.

Ask your dealerTo clean the inside of the projector once a year based on in order to avoid excessive dust.

Lamps for digital projectors - Tips to maximize the life of the lamp digital projector

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Sony XL-2200 - LCD projector lamp

!±8± Sony XL-2200 - LCD projector lamp

Brand : Sony | Rate : | Price : $69.99
Post Date : Jul 25, 2011 15:32:23 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This replacement lamp fits in your Sony KDF-55WF655, KDF-60WF655, KDF-55XS955, or KDF-60XS955 rear projection television. The package includes a 3mm Allen wrench which is needed to install the bulb.

  • Lamp Part Number: XL-2200U / XL-2200
  • Lamp life rated at 6,000 hours by manufacturer.
  • Complete Lamp Housing Assembly
  • Easily installs in minutes!
  • Lamp Manufacturer: Osram

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